Exide Technologies is a manufacturer of American lead-acid batteries, including automotive batteries and industrial batteries. The four global business groups (American Transport, European Transportation and Remnant of the World, American Industrial Power, and European Industrial Strength and Rest of World) provide stored electrical energy products and services.
The Exide global headquarters is located in Milton, Georgia. It has a manufacturing and recycling factory. The first is located throughout the US, the Pacific, Europe and Australia. The recycling plant is located at Canon Hollow, located in northern Forest City, Missouri, and Muncie, Indiana. Exide has a controversial record and history in many US communities where they operate or are used to operate including environmental pollution stories, excessive emissions of toxic particulates and violations of public health and safety. Two former recycling plants in Frisco, Texas and Vernon, California have closed in 2012 and 2013 due to regulatory inspections that uncover toxic emissions and/or lead and cadmium leaks. Plants in Reading, Pennsylvania, and Baton Rouge, Louisiana have also been closed.
The transportation market includes original equipment and automotive after sales, heavy duty trucks, agriculture, and marine applications, and new technologies for hybrid vehicles. Industrial markets include network power applications such as telecommunication systems, electric utilities, rail transport, photovoltaic (associated solar power), uninterruptible power supplies (UPS), and power-motive applications including forklift trucks, mining, and other commercial vehicles.
Disposing of products and batteries is distributed and sold throughout the United States by a number of companies including: Jiffy Lube, Tractor Supplier Company, Home Depot, Dick Sports Goods, World Camping, American Tire Depot, BJ Wholesale Club, Menards, Discount Tire Center, and more. Given the controversial environmental and security records of Exide Technologies across the US, some residents in communities where Exide operates are questioning partners and distributors of Exide companies about their corporate responsibility and mistakes in selling Exide products when millions of dollars in cleaning costs for Exide's role in contamination toxic in California, Texas and Pennsylvania is unusual and ongoing.
Video Exide
The company's predecessor Exide is Electric Storage Battery Company , founded by W.W. Gibbs in 1888. Gibbs bought the idea and patent inventor Clement Payen to make storage batteries into commercial products. Gibbs is targeting electric lighting companies so they can use storage batteries to provide services to their customers.
An important initial customer for Electrical Storage is the Electric Launcher Company, also known as Elco.
In 1899, Electric Storage batteries provided submerged power for USS Holland (SS-1), and Electric Storage remains an important supplier of US Navy submarine batteries at least through World War II. Isaac Rice, president of Electricity Storage in 1899, was instrumental in setting up the Electric Boat Company as a bailout of the Dutch Torpedo Shipbuilding Company.
In 1900, the Electric Battery Storage Company developed a product with a larger capacity and less weight for electric cabs. This battery is the first to bear the name Exe , short for "Excellent Oxide".
In 1902, The Electric Storage Battery Co. form Willard Storage Battery Co. when they acquired a battery-making asset from a jewelry factory in Cleveland, OH and merged it. In 1950 Willard's automotive batteries sold out. Exide automotive batteries even though The Electric Storage Battery Co. is larger due to diversification.
In 1911, Charles F. Kettering switched to an Electric Battery Storage Company for a suitable automotive battery to supplement his new electric starter. The project produced the first car battery of a modern type. (Within 5 years, there was a substantial field of aftermarket brands in storage batteries and starter for cars, as evidenced by advertisements in automotive trade journals of that era.)
When the United States entered World War I, Exide batteries were used to operate radio set sets and power radio stations.
In 1934, the Electric Battery Storage Company applied for the Exide Ironclad trademark and in 1935 their trademark was registered.
In 1938, the Electricity Storage Company acquired the Company's Giant Storage Battery, and expanded it into a battery charger and testers.
During World War II, the Electric Battery Storage Company was a major supplier of batteries for the US Navy submarine and prime contractor for batteries used in the 18-point electric torpedoes.
Exit entered the dry-cell battery industry in 1957 when it acquired the Ray-O-Vac Company, which was then the second largest producer of dry cell batteries in the US.
After the acquisition of the Wisconsin Battery Company, Exide started producing motorcycles and specialty batteries.
NASA uses a solar-charged exe battery, a nickel-zinc Exide on all Apollo space missions.
In 1972, Exide acquired the Edison Storage Battery Company, which had developed a practical nickel-iron battery in 1901. The production of this type of battery was subsequently discontinued in 1975.
In 1987, Exide acquired the General Battery Corporation and moved its corporate headquarters to Reading, Pennsylvania.
Exide became a public company in October 1993.
In 1996, Exide acquired French/Italian battery company CEAC, Clichy. With this acquisition also comes the rights to the German brand Sonnenschein and dryfit . The company Accumulatorenfabrik Sonnenschein has been established in Berlin in 1910 by Theodor Sonnenschein, and has patented the type of gel-acid lead acid-regulated battery cell in 1957. (Marketed worldwide under the name dryfit ).
In 1997, Exotic NASCAR Select Batteries was introduced, which is the official battery of NASCAR. The NASCAR Select Exote is engineered to start a high compression engine that demands nearly twice the initial power of a regular car. In 2000, the battery brand changed its name to Exide Select.
Arthur M. Hawkins resigned as chairman and chief executive in October 1998. Robert A. Lutz, former president and vice chairman of Chrysler Corporation, was appointed Chair of the Exide. He reorganized management structures around the world into Global Business Units and sold non-battery units to enable the company to concentrate on its core business.
In 2000, Exide acquired GNB Technologies, a North American automotive battery supplier.
In 2002, Exide filed for bankruptcy after compiling a $ 2.5 billion debt as a result of its recent acquisition. In April 2004, a judge approved the company's plan to eliminate $ 1.3 billion in debt and out of bankruptcy protection by the end of the month
In April 2013, the Exide plant in Vernon, California (Los Angeles County) was closed by California regulators for arsenic and leak and lead emissions.
In June 2013, Exit again filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection with the aim of cutting debts and implementing restructuring plans to better compete in the market (Exit Technologies, Case No. 13-11482, US Bankruptcy Court, Delaware District). In April 2015, the company emerged from Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection, which reduced its debt by about $ 600 million.
Maps Exide
Significant Environmental Pollution Note
Exide is one of the largest producers, distributors, and recyclers of lead-acid batteries in the world.
Since 2010, operations on seven (7) Exide lead-acid battery batteries have been linked to ambient air lead levels that pose a health risk to the environment and thousands of residents in the community and surrounding environment of the Exide plant. Exide has been found to be the main source of lead emissions and/or contamination in (1) Los Angeles, CA, (2) Frisco, TX, (3) Muncie, IN, (4) Salina, KS, (5) Bristol, TN, 6) Reading, PA, and (7) Forest City, MO.
List of National Air Quality Ambient Standards (NAAQS) Non-achievement of the National EPA sets a total of 21 regions and parts of 22 districts in 15 states and Puerto Rico that violate federal air quality health standards for lead emissions.
Exide has operations in six (6) of the 21 regions that do not meet safe air quality laws; accounting for almost a third of offenders (more than any other company). Exide plants that violate EPA emission standards are located in Frisco, TX, Vernon, CA, Muncie, IN, Salina, KS, Reading, PA, and Bristol, TN.
Vernon.2C_CA_.28Criminal_Investigation.29 "> Vernon, CA (Criminal Investigation)
In 2013, Exide is under federal criminal investigation for emitting high levels of hazardous pollutants from battery recycling plants in Vernon, CA. Hundreds of residents have been complaining for years about Exotic toxic waste before state and federal agencies act (http://www.latimes.com/local/lanow/85366771-132.html).
In March 2015, the company signed an agreement with the US attorney's office to permanently close. The deal allows Exide and its employees to avoid prosecution for years of environmental crimes, including illegal storage, disposal and delivery of hazardous waste, while agreeing to pay $ 50 million to destroy and clean factories and surrounding communities, including $ 9 million set aside for removal leading from home.
Vernon, CA (Toxic Contamination & Continuous Cleaning)
In the fall of 2017, the Toxic Substance Control Department began implementing their plan to move lead-laden land from 2,500 residential properties near the exterior lead acid battery factory in Vernon. It is believed to be the largest environmental purge of its kind in California history, covering seven (7) Los Angeles County neighborhoods. The California state regulator estimates that Exide's operations may have threatened the health of about 100,000 people and 10,000 residential properties. A total of $ 192 million has been approved by the state for massive clean-up efforts; $ 176.6 million of which has been approved by Governor Jerry Brown in April 2016.
Unfortunately for the thousands of concerned residents living near the Exide plant, the $ 192 million set aside by the State will only allow for the clearance of 2,500 of the approximately 10,000 homes and properties believed to have been contaminated by Exide's pollution decade. The total cost to clean up about 10,000 homes contaminated by Exide pollution is believed to be more than $ 500 million. By August 2016, more than $ 42 million of the $ 192 million had been spent. Taxpayers are on the hook for most of the cleaning costs. As part of their defense agreement with the State, Exide pays $ 9 million into a trust account to assist the first phase of testing and cleaning, and is obliged to pay more in the future, but how much is still unknown.
Facing pressure from community activists, residents and elected officials, to hold the Exide, and not the taxpayer, is responsible for the millions of dollars of extra money necessary to clean up the toxic lead poison in eastern LA County, the South Coast Air Quality Management District filed a claim against Exide totaling more than $ 80 million dollars. Rather than doing the right thing and being responsible for cleaning up their toxic mess, on January 31, 2018, Exide Technologies sought to convince a bankruptcy judge that their company was not responsible for $ 80 million dollars in additional cleaning fees the state of California is trying to shut down , and that State claims should be disposed of as part of the company's Chapter 11 bankruptcy plan by 2015. Unless bankruptcy assesses the rules against Exide, it is likely that taxpayers will be on the hook to clean Exide's toxic mess in East LA and for its impact on life, health and property of thousands of residents.
UPDATE: Cleanup Fees to Increase Increase, Biggest Taxpayer Expense
In May 2018, the CA State Assembly approved budget and legislation, AB 2189, to allocate $ 16 million to clean up public roads. The funding will come from legislation issued by the CA state council in 2016 to raise about $ 176 million to help clean up the mess of toxic lead contamination in Vernon, and the surrounding neighborhood, charging a battery charge for all battery manufacturers and consumers despite the fact that Exide is the only company that is wrong or mentioned in law.
If AB 2189 is passed into law, it will raise the taxpayers' pay-off fee to taxpayers by more than $ 200 million. Unfortunately, Exide's competitors and consumers will be so enamored with the additional cleaning costs. Exide continues to threaten bankruptcy, once again, and do what they can to avoid or avoid payments even just the legal amount they agree to purge (only ~ $ 9 million so far) to avoid criminal allegations and jail time for executives.
To further avoid and delay payments for their toxic mess at L.A. County, Exide filed a lawsuit year seeking blood lead data on people tested at L.A. County, including age of person, city and Zip Code; the age of the house where everyone lives; and the cause of lead poisoning. The country is fighting a lawsuit in court, calling it an attempt by Exide to avoid financial responsibility and blame contamination on lead paint and gasoline. Meanwhile, thousands of families exposed to Exide lead contamination continue to live in fear of the health and safety of their children while Exide continues to operate lead-acid battery plants at other locations such as Muncie, IN, Salina, KS and Columbus, GA, where the company continue to extinguish penalties for excessive toxic emissions and pollution.
Muncie, IN
Between 1989 and 2015, Exide Technologies released more than 227,275 kilograms of toxic pollutants, including hazardous lead, sulfuric acid and arsenic, into the air and water in Muncie, Indiana where they operated secondary lead acid battery smelters. In November 2010, Muncie, Indiana and Delaware County cities were placed on the US EPA's non-contract list for toxic air lead concentrations too high to meet national air quality standards for lead due to emissions from the Exide plant in Muncie..
In March 2015, Exide Technologies agreed to pay a $ 820,000 civil penalty to settle a lawsuit for violating the Clean Air Act at its Muncie smelter factory. According to the US EPA, violations result in increased lead and particle emissions and may have resulted in increased total emissions of hydrocarbons, volatile organic compounds and dioxins/furans.
In October 2015, the Exide Department of Justice and Technology rejected requests from the mayor of Muncie, environmental/health groups and three environmental associations to install a $ 31 million pollution control equipment at the company's battery recycling facility; like their competitors, Quemetco did it for the same lead acid battery factory in nearby Indianapolis. More than a dozen public health, environmental, environmental and public health organizations, led by the Hoosier Environmental Council, have urged the US Department of Justice to add additional pollution control to the proposed settlement to better protect the people in Muncie from lead and arsenic released. into the air with Exide. The organization also requested the DOJ to request an Exide to include pollutant monitoring at fenceline Exide.
In February 2017, the Midea Exide plant underwent three explosions and a leakage problem that was not fully or timely disclosed to the state and federal agencies responsible for ensuring compliance with the state and federal laws and safety protocols. Locals were unaware of this explosion until almost a year later, January 2018, raising concerns about risks to the environment and the health and safety of hundreds of families living near the Exide facility.
A year later, in February 2018, it was reported that the local pediatrician and the Delaware County Health Department had alerted Indiana state officials in 2017 about the case of Exide Technologies workers who traced home with their clothes and exposed their children to toxic metals
It was also reported that the local health department made a complaint on June 20 to the Indiana Environmental Management Department about "a recent increase in the number of high blood lead cases" reported to local health officials in the community, and that "some of these cases have revealed connection to Exide factory "with" business activity "to" possible source of this lead exposure. "
Following a report that Exide workers may have exposed their families to cause contamination in Muncie, residents there have expressed wider concerns about the Exide lead-acid battery plant and tolls that Exceed decades of toxic emissions from lead and other contaminants may have the health and safety of hundreds residents living near the factory.
In response to Indiana Environmental Management Department (IDEM) 's decision not to hold a public meeting on the Exide's five-year general operation license in 2018, dozens of residents took to the streets near the Exide plant in Muncie to denounce IDEM's decision and to encourage to test air, ground and water in hundreds of homes and properties located near the lead-acid battery plant. Demand for citizens and fight for greater protection from contamination Exide at this time and the last decade in Muncie continues.
Columbus, GA
Exide is used to operate a secondary lead recycling plant in Columbus that was taken out of service in 1999 and now the factory continues to operate as a lead-acid battery manufacturing facility at 3639 Joy Road. Between 1987-2015, Exide released 362,102 pounds of toxic pollutants, including lead and arsenic, in the air and water near their plant in Columbus.
In 1988, Exide was forced to clean up contaminated groundwater in Columbus generated from their factories and practices. Fees for additional investigation, site remediation and closure are ongoing and are currently estimated at $ 13.5 million.
In 2009, Exide received $ 34.3 million in federal taxpayer money and over $ 15 million of local tax incentives to increase the production of the next gene battery and create more jobs at their plants in Columbus and Bristol, TN but were attacked after closing their plants in Bristol shortly after taking money and taxpayer incentives.
In 2017, the Georgia Environmental Protection Division fined Exide Technologies $ 41,000 for violating federal lead emissions standards at their lead acid battery factory in November and December 2016 and January 2017.l
More recently, in 2018, Exide Technologies was fined $ 11,328 by the state of Georgia for once again failing to comply with toxic emissions and safety standards. Inspectors found that Exide emits high levels of lead gas into the air; more than 200% more than the number of leads allowed! News of excessive and excessive excess lead emissions has raised concerns among thousands of residents and families living near the Exide factory about Exide's practices and behavior for their health and safety. Some residents request that something be done to ensure they and their families survive and not exposed to dangerous levels of lead contamination in the air, soil and water where they live.
Salina, KS (Level Lead up for Children)
Exide Technologies operates a large lead-acid battery factory in Salina, KS. Between 1987 and 2015, Exide released more than 166,077 pounds of lead, antimony, arsenic and contaminated air and water in Salina. Between 2010-2013, and by 2016, the Exide exceeded the permissible release of lead concentration more than 18 times, violated the Clean Air Act, and by 2010, the plant is largely responsible for the area designated as one of 16 region of the country. with toxic lead concentration in the air being too high to meet national air quality standards for lead in accordance with the EPA.
Given the work of Exide and the long history of violations for excessive lead emissions and salvation in Salina, some residents over the years have expressed concern about the plant and have asked about possible correlations for reports and disturbing data showing a higher amount of lead levels in blood in children in Saline County, where Exide operates, rather than around counties and communities in Kansas. Between 2000-2010, average blood lead levels in Saline Co. averaging 16.5 ug/dL, more than double than all other states in Kansas that averaged 7.5 ug/dL and children living in the town of Salina, had significantly higher rates. blood lead levels (3.00 Ã,Âμg/dL) compared with children living in all other Kansas zip codes (2.86 Ã,Âμg/dL
In 2016, the Kansas Department of Health and Environment (KDHE) held a meeting after a test by a local doctor in 2016 found an increase in lead levels in the blood of 32 Saline District children - most of them from Salina. These come on the heels of high blood pressure reports found in 84 Saline County children between 2013-2015.
Some residents at a community meeting in 2016 asked whether local officials and agencies were investigating any potential correlations or links to the number of children in Salina with increased levels of toxic lead in their blood, and a lead acid battery factory in Salina. However, representatives at KDHE try to avoid questions by noting that the Exide plant has reduced their lead emissions annually since 2012, following the EPA's strict requirements on lead emissions, and some factory renovations, and ignoring the fact that Exide still sends a total of 6,720 pounds of tin into the air during that period (2012-2015). KDHE also failed to mention the potentially larger problem of cumulative lead and other toxic contaminants formed in soil and water within a 1-3-mile radius of the mill for decades the plant has operated, and showed no intention to test the soil or groundwater of the house and chamber public near the factory to increase lead levels and other toxic contaminants.
KDHE representatives also helped steer arrows away from Exide by releasing maps showing where 32 children with high blood levels live, many of which are not adjacent to the Exide plant. However, KDHE representatives failed to mention that no comprehensive blood tests were conducted for families living near the plant, whose outcomes included only reporting cases from local doctors whose parents brought their child for medical problems or check-in, and that the children factory-employed employees, exposed daily to lead, live throughout the city and not just adjacent to the factory.
To date, no substantive government action has been taken to address this issue. The source of contamination (s) for the number of children disproportionate to the high blood lead levels in Salina, KS and Saline County remains a mystery.
Reading, PA (Toxic Contamination & Continuous Cleaning)
Exide operates lead smelters and reciprocal batteries in Reading, PA. The EPA found that Exide contributed to lead emissions and the release of toxic contaminants that affected the land in the surrounding communities and conditions on the site requiring extensive cleaning and remediation of toxic contaminants in the area in 1996.
In 2012, Exide announced plans to halt recycling operations in Reading/Laureldale and lay off 150 workers with plans to keep their permits active if they decide to reopen in the future. In 2015, Berks County pursued legal action to strengthen air pollution monitoring near the Exide facility to better protect the health and safety of the population but the federal appeals court denied County's request to relocate pollution monitors or install additional air monitors near the plant. County Commissioner Mark C. Scott noted that the appeal was put forward as a precautionary measure to protect the public from air pollution if the Exide plant decides to reopen.
Main Contamination of Exides Plant Resurfaces after Cleaning
By 2017, the Reading Eagle newspaper published a series of research-focused stories that found high levels of lead in the region even though remediation efforts were ordered by the US Environmental Protection Agency about two decades ago in hundreds of properties near the Exide plant. A team of journalists working with a chemistry professor at Metropolitan State University in Denver to conduct soil research at Laureldale and found strong signs that decades of toxic emissions from Exide Technologies battery factory in Reading took over neighboring property.
The news of this research has led to strong public concerns about past practices and pollution in Exide and any possible impacts on the health and safety of people living near the plant. For example, there is a story about a Reading family appeal for help in social media to investigate the cause of lead poisoning in their family. And there are stories about local high school reunions and the "darker truths" that "the local industry and pollutants it creates may be to blame" for the average loss over many classmates over the years.
In response to research and findings of increased lead levels near the silent Exide plant, State Senator Judy Schwank requested a genuine Reading/Laureldale cleaning review. The bipartisan group of parliamentarians also created a task force to assess the scope of the main problem of Pennsylvania and recommend changes to the way the state tests and restores lead contamination. The US Army Engineer Corps took soil samples from six residential properties in Laureldale and Muhlenberg Township to test whether lead concentrations pose a public health risk as part of a federal follow-up to a recent soil study that found high lead concentrations on properties that should have been was rehabilitated a decade ago near the now empty battery factory owned by Exide Technologies Inc. At the end of 2017, the federal EPA commenced the cleaning of contaminated soil with lead from the silent Exide plant. Area and cost of cleaning are ongoing and no reports indicate that Exide is financially responsible for cleaning toxins; taxpayers seem to be on the hook for new remediation and cleaning fees.
Bristol, TN
In 2008, it was reported that Exide emitted twice the amount of pollutants allowed into the environment at the secondary lead acid smelter battery factory in Bristol, TN. Instead of correcting their behavior, Exide asks the state to raise the emission limit twice. It is also reported that Exide is conducting its own testing and that the Tennessee Division of Air Pollution Control does not seem to know the level of pollution coming from the Bristol plant.
In 2013, Exide unemployed and laid off hundreds of Bristol employees after receiving $ 34.3 million in federal taxpayer stimulus money and as much as $ 15 million of state tax incentives for their factories in Bristol, TN and Columbus, GA. Instead of investing the taxpayer's money, as promised, at Bristol, and creating new jobs, Exide closed the plant "as part of a strategic initiative to have other manufacturing locations approaching capacity";
In March 2017, Exide filed an application with the State of Tennessee to resume partial operations at the facility were inactive in Bristol, TN. Hundreds of residents expressed concern about the operation of Exide operations at plants in Bristol and demanding a public meeting about Exide application.; Provide mounting pressure for public meetings and cries for greater security monitoring given the long record length on fines and violations for emission and safety practices, Exide chose to withdraw their application to resume operations at Bristol in April 2017.
Frisco, TX (Toxic Contamination & amp; Cleaning )
From 2001 to 2012, Exide Technologies received 50 written notices of infringement due to a lack of federal compliance or unsafe working conditions at the Frisco lead-acid battery recycling plant. The Texas Commission for Environmental Quality (TCEQ) found 27 breaches in the factory that occurred between March 31, 2009 and June 30, 2010. TCEQ noted 12 violations including ground and water pollution and evidence of toxic disposal that voiced concern about the effects on downstream waters. Between May and June 2011, TCEQ conducted four separate investigations at the Frisco Exide facility and found dangerous levels of lead and cadmium. The rate that qualifies the facility for Superfund site status.
The Exide plant ceased operations in 2012 after a $ 45 million agreement with the city of Frisco to transfer the 180-acre buffer zone around the plant to the city while the company will keep 90 hectares of factory-occupied land. As part of the terms of the agreement, Exide is required to clear the land to a federally acceptable standard before transferring it to the city. Unfortunately, Exide does not cooperate with Frisco City. Evidence has shown that Exide has minimized the amount of lead and other pollutants on its site to minimize the remediation required for site closure. In addition, a spokesman for Frisco Dana Baird, said that the estimated $ 20 million city allocated for remediation would not be enough for cleaning expenses.
Environmental Justice, Racism & amp; Sign out
Community activists encourage an evolving national conversation about environmental justice, the idea that people of all races and incomes must have the same quality and environmental protection. One of the leaders of this movement, mark! Lopez, recently received the Goldman 2017 Environmental Prize, for the work he does with his Southeast LA community group, the East Yard Communities for Environmental Justice deals with the destructive tin pollution in eastern and southeastern LA, where the lead battery recycling plant Examar-acid has violated environmental regulations for more than 30 years when state regulators turned a blind eye. mark! Lopez and other community activists are all, but state lawmakers are embarrassed to take action at the Exide plant after decades of complaints about factories from residents not being answered.
Community activists, like mark! Lopez and environmental experts have effectively argued that major industrial polluters, such as Exide, have escaped with significant amounts of pollution, infringement and non-compliance and are not in compliance with local, state and federal regulations by predominating predominantly, if not nearly exclusively, poor, ethnic and minority populations who often live near or close to major sources of pollution such as the Exide lead acid battery plant in Vernon, CA. In particular, it has been argued that Exide, controlled by affluent whites, continues to be protected by irresponsible regulatory bodies in low-income communities. For example, at the South Coast Air Quality Management District (SCAQMD) board meeting, Maywood Mayor Oscar Magana believes that the Toxic Substances Control Department and SCAQMD will close the Exide factory in Vernon sooner if it has been placed in Beverly Hills, or a prosperous society others are predominantly white. More concisely, there appears to be "racial dimensions and language barriers that explain patterns of violations with Exide and environmental racism perpetuated by regulatory bodies protecting Exide interests."
Sears Battery Fraud Scandal
In March 2001, Exide pleaded guilty to conspiracy fraud charges and agreed to pay a $ 27.5 million fine to terminate a federal criminal investigation into automated battery sales for Sears, Roebuck & Company. The case arises from investigations and allegations that Exide is conspiring with Sears to sell used batteries as new to Sears customers and that Exide officials have paid bribes to hide fraud.
In 2002, two former top executives of Exide Technologies were sentenced to prison for their scheme to sell damaged batteries to Sears, Roebuck & Co Former President of Exide, Douglas N. Pearson, was sentenced to five years and four months in prison and ordered to pay a $ 150,000 fine. Pearson's hand, former chief executive Arthur M. Hawkins, was sentenced to 10 years in prison and ordered to pay a $ 1 million fine. Both were convicted of wire fraud and conspiracy to wire fraud in a major scheme to sell damaged Exide batteries to Sears because of their Die-hard battery line.
Exide is the sponsor of the Cornell Automotive X-Prize Team.
Exide Technologies has signed an agreement to become the sole lead-acid battery supplier for the Reva (Revolutionary Electric Vehicle Alternative Electricity) car production project in Bangalore, India.
Exide was also a sponsor of the NASCAR Sprint Cup driver who transformed NBC Sports broadcaster Jeff Burton, as well as sponsor associate and main sponsor Turner Scott Motorsports.
External links
- Sign out of the official site
- Electrical Equipment Provisioning Report for Motorized Driven Vehicles , UK Trade Council, Monopoly Commission, 1963. Chapter 4 discusses the history of Exide, Chloride and Dryex batteries.
Source of the article : Wikipedia