Standby power , also called vampire power , vampire scrolling , ghost load , ghost load or electrical leakage ("phantom load" and "electrical leakage" defined technical terms with other meanings, adopted for these different purposes), refers to the way electricity is consumed by electronic and electrical equipment while they are turned off (but designed to draw some power) or in idle mode. This only happens because some devices are claimed to be "turned off" on the electronic interface, but are in a different state than turning off in the plug, or disconnecting from the power point, which can solve the full standby power problem. In fact, turning off the power point is quite effective, no need to remove all devices from the power point. Some such devices offer remote control and digital clock features to the user, while other devices, such as power adapters for disconnected electronic devices, consume power without offering any feature (sometimes called no-load power). All of the above examples, such as remote control, digital clock functions and - in the case of adapters, unleaded power - are turned off by simply turning off the power point. However, for some devices with internal internal batteries, such as telephones, the standby function can be stopped by removing the battery.
In the past, standby power was largely no problem for government users, power providers, manufacturers, and regulators. In the first decade of the twenty-first century, awareness of this issue developed and became an important consideration for all parties. Until the middle of the decade, standby power is often several watts or even tens of watts per device. In 2010, regulations apply in most developed countries that limit the standby power of devices sold to one watt (and half of 2013).
Video Standby power
Standby power is the electrical power used by equipment and equipment when turned off or not performing their main function, often waiting to be activated by the remote control. Power is consumed by internal or external power supply, remote control receiver, text or light display, circuit is energized when device is plugged even when turned off, etc. Power can be saved by disconnecting the device, causing the worst discomfort.
While this definition is inadequate for technical purposes, there is no formal definition; the international standards committee is developing test definitions and procedures.
This term is often used more loosely for any device that continuously has to use a small amount of power even when inactive; eg answering machine must be available at all times to receive calls, turning off to save power is not an option. Timers, powered thermostats, and the like are yet another example. An uninterruptible power supply can be considered a waste of standby power only when the computer it shields dies. Disconnecting the proper standby power is the worst that is uncomfortable; shut down completely, such as an answering machine that does not handle calls, makes it useless.
Maps Standby power
Advantages and disadvantages
Standby power is often consumed for a purpose, although in the past there was little effort to minimize the power used.
- This allows the device to switch very quickly without any possible delay ("live on"). This is used, for example, with a CRT television receiver (now largely replaced by a thin solid-state screen), where a small current is passed through a tube heater, avoiding the delay of many seconds at startup.
- This can be used to power the remote control receiver, so that when the infrared or radio frequency signal is sent by the remote control device, the equipment can respond, usually by turning from idle to fully active mode.
- Standby power can be used to power the screen, operate the clock, etc., without turning on the equipment for full power.
- Battery-powered devices connected to mains electricity can remain fully charged even if turned on; for example, a mobile phone can be ready to receive a call without exhausting the battery.
Standby power losses are mainly related to the energy used. As the standby power decreases, the loss becomes less. Older devices often use ten watts or more; with the adoption of One Watt Initiative by many countries, the use of idle energy is greatly reduced.
- Standby devices consume electricity to be paid. The total energy consumed may be about 10% of the electrical energy used by ordinary households, as discussed below. Standby energy costs are easy to estimate - each standby wattage constantly consumes about 9 kWh of electricity per year, and the price per kWh is shown on the utility bill.
- Electricity is very often produced by burning hydrocarbons (oil, coal, gas) or other substances, which release large amounts of carbon dioxide, engage in global warming, and other pollutants such as sulfur dioxide, which produce acid rain. Standby power is a significant contributor to electricity usage.
- As electricity consumption increases, more power plants are needed, with related capital and operating costs.
- Standby devices mean that heat is generated, which can mean extra cooling is required, and in the wrong circumstances can be a fire risk.
- The standby device is not always completely silent.
- Standby means power is present in the device, increasing power failures, and making electrical-related risks a 24-hour problem.
- Standby devices can often be controlled remotely, sometimes by unauthorized or irresponsible agents, or by accident.
Standby power makes up a portion of the various houses' electrical load, which also includes small appliances, security systems, and other small attractions. The US Department of Energy said in 2008:
"A lot of equipment keeps pulling out a small amount of power when they are turned off.This" ghost "burden happens in most electrically powered appliances, such as VCRs, televisions, stereos, computers and kitchen appliances.This can be avoided by removing devices or using extension sockets and use a switch on the power strip to cut all the power to the tool. "
Standby power used by older devices can be as high as 10-15 W per device, while modern HD LCD televisions can use less than 1 W in standby mode. Some equipment does not use energy when turned off. Many countries adopting the One Watt Initiative now require new devices to use no more than 1 W starting in 2010, and 0.5 W by 2013.
Although the power required for functions such as displays, indicators and remote control functions is relatively small, a large number of such devices are continuously plugged in to produce energy use before the One Watt rule 8 to 22 percent of all appliance consumption in different countries, 32-87 W, and about 3-10 percent of total housing consumption. In the UK in 2004 standby mode on electronic devices accounted for 8% of all UK residential power consumption. A similar study in France in 2000 found that standby power accounted for 7% of total housing consumption.
In 2004, the California Energy Commission produced a report that contains typical standby and operational power consumption for 280 different household devices, including baby monitors and toothbrush chargers.
More than a decade ago some electronics, such as microwaves, CRTs, and VHS players use more standby power than equipment produced in the last 5 years. For historical references, please see this article from the Economist.
In the US the average home uses an average of 11,040 kWh of electricity per year in 2010. Every watt of power consumed by continuous devices consumes about 9kWh (1W ÃÆ'â € "365.25 days/year ÃÆ'â €" 24 hours/day) per year, slightly less than a thousandth of the annual US household consumption. Unplugging devices that continuously consume standby power saves 9 kWh per year for each continuous consumption watt (saving $ 1 per year at the US average rate).
Devices such as security systems, fire alarms and digital video recorders require continuous power to operate properly (although in the case of the electrical timer used to disconnect other devices during standby, they actually reduce total energy use). The Consumption Reduction section below provides information on reducing standby power.
Fire risks
There is a risk of fire from the device in standby mode. There are reports of television, in particular, catching fire in standby mode.
Before the development of modern semiconductor electronics it was not uncommon devices, usually television receivers, to catch fire when plugged but turned off, sometimes when fully turned off rather than on standby. This is very unlikely with modern equipment, but not impossible. Older cathode ray tube display equipment (television and computer screens) has high voltage and current, and is much more at risk of fire than thin-panel LCDs and other displays.
Factors contributing to electric fires include:
- Inert environment
- Lightning strikes affect cable building
- The age of tools - old devices are less designed for security, and may have deteriorated
The One Watt Initiative was launched by the IEA in 1999 to ensure through international cooperation that by 2010 all new equipment sold in the world uses only one watt in standby mode. This will reduce CO 2 emissions by 50 million tonnes in OECD countries alone by 2010.
In July 2001, US President George W. Bush signed an Executive Order directing federal agencies to "buy products that use no more than one watt in their standby power consumption mode".
In July 2007 the California equipment standard 2005 came into force, limiting the external standby power of up to 0.5 watts.
On January 6, 2010 Regulation of the European Commission (EC) No 1275/2008 came into force. The rules mandate that from January 6, 2010 "off mode" and standby power for electricity and home electronics and office equipment should not exceed 1W, "standby plus" power (providing information or display status in addition to possible reactivation functions) should not exceed 2W. The equipment must where appropriate provide a dead mode and/or standby mode when the equipment is connected to the main power source. These numbers are halved on January 6, 2013.
Define standby power
Identify devices
The following types of devices consume standby power.
- Transformer for voltage conversion.
- The wart power supply wall that turns off the powered device.
- Many devices with "live on" function immediately respond to user actions without heating delay.
- Electronic and electrical devices in standby mode that can be built by remote control, e.g. some air conditioners, audio-visual equipment such as television receivers
- Electronic and electrical devices that can perform some functions even when turned off, e.g. with an electric powered timer. Most modern computers consume standby power, allowing them to be remotely woken (by Wake on LAN, etc.) or at a specified time. These functions are always enabled even when they are not needed; power can be saved by disconnecting from the power source (sometimes with the switch behind), but only if the function is not needed.
- Uninterruptible power supply (UPS)
Other devices consume standby power required for normal functions that can not be saved by shutting down when not in use. For this device, electricity can only be saved by selecting units with minimal permanent power consumption:
- Cordless phone and answering machine
- The timer that operates the device
- Security system and fire alarm
- the Transformer powered doorbell
- Programmable thermostat
- Motion sensor, light sensor, built-in timer and auto sprinkler
Estimate power standby
Standby power consumption can be estimated using standby power tables used by ordinary devices, although the standby power used by equipment of the same class varies greatly (for standby displays of registered CRT computers of at least 1.6 W, a maximum of 74.5 W). Total standby power can be estimated by measuring the total power of the house with all the devices standing, then disconnected, but the method is inaccurate and subject to major errors and uncertainties.
Measuring standby power
The power wasted in standby must go somewhere; it is dissipated as heat. Temperature, or just the warmth felt, of a device that standby long enough to reach a stable temperature gives some idea of ​​wasted power.
For most home applications, wattmeters provide an indication of the good energy used, and some indication of standby consumption.
A wattmeter is used to measure electrical power. Cheap Wattmeters plugins, sometimes described as energy monitors, are available from a price of around US $ 10. Some of the more expensive models for home use have a remote display unit. In US wattmeters often can also be borrowed from local power authorities or local public libraries. Although the accuracy of AC current measurements is low and the amount obtained from them, such as power, is often poor, the device still shows standby power, if it is sensitive enough to register it. Some home power monitors simply set an error rate of 0.2%, without specifying parameters subject to this error (for example, voltage, easy to measure), and without qualification. The measurement error on low standby power used from around 2010 (ie, less than a few watts) may represent a very large percentage of the actual value - poor accuracy. The meter modification to read standby power has been described and discussed in detail (with oscilloscope waveform and measurement). Basically, the shunt meter resistor, which is used to produce a voltage proportional to the load current, is replaced by one of the values ​​which is usually 100 times larger, with a protective diode. Modified meter readings should be multiplied by a resistance factor (eg 100), and the maximum measured power is reduced by the same factor.
Professionally capable (but not specifically designed for) low power measurement tools clarify specifically that the error is a percentage of the full-scale value, or the percentage of readings plus the fixed number, and only valid within certain limits.
In practice, measuring accuracy with meters with poor performance at low power levels can be increased by measuring the power drawn by a fixed load such as an incandescent light bulb, adding a standby device, and calculating the difference in power consumption.
Less expensive wattmeters may be the subject of significant insignificance at low currents (power). They often experience other errors due to their mode of operation:
- If the load is very reactive, the power shown by several meters may be inaccurate. Meters capable of displaying power factor do not have this problem.
- Many AC meters are designed to provide meaningful readings for sinusoidal waveforms of normal ac power. The waveform for switched-mode power supplies such as those used in many electronic devices may be very far from sinusoidal, causing the meter reading to be meaningless. The meter specified to read "RMS power" does not have this problem.
Laboratory class equipments designed for low power measurements, which cost from several hundred US dollars and are much larger than simple domestic meters, can measure power to very low values ​​without these effects. The US IEC 62301 recommendation for active power measurement is that 0.5 W or greater power must be made with 2% uncertainty. Measurements less than 0.5 W should be performed with uncertainty 0.01 W The power measurement instrument must have a resolution of 0.01 W or better.
Even with the measurement of laboratory class equipment standby power has a problem. There are two basic ways of connecting equipment to measure strength; one measure the correct voltage, but the current is wrong; the error is very small for a relatively high current, but it becomes large for a typical small current from standby - in typical cases, a 100 mW standby power will be exaggerated over 50%. Other connections provide small errors in voltage currents but are accurate, and reduce errors at low power by a factor of 5000. A laboratory meter intended for higher power measurements may be susceptible to these errors. Another problem is the possibility of measuring equipment damage if in a very sensitive range capable of measuring several milliamps; if the device is measured out of standby and pulls some amps, meters can be damaged unless protected.
Reduce standby consumption
Operation practices
Some equipment has a fast start mode; standby power is eliminated if this mode is not used. Video game consoles often use power when turned off, but standby power can be further reduced if the correct option is set. For example, the Wii console can go from 18 watts to 8 watts to 1 watt by turning off WiiConnect24 and Standby Connection options.
A device that has a rechargeable battery and is always connected using standby power even if the battery is fully charged. Built-in appliances such as vacuum cleaners, electric razors, and ordinary phones do not require standby mode and do not consume equivalent standby power without cables.
An older device with a large, warm power adapter to touch using a few watts of power. A newer, lightweight, non-touching power adapter may use less than one watt.
Standby power consumption can be reduced by completely removing or shutting down, if possible, devices with idle mode not currently in use; if multiple devices are used together or only when the room is occupied, they can be connected to a single power strip that is turned off when not needed. This may cause some electronic devices, especially older ones, to lose their configuration settings.
The timer can be used to turn off standby power to unused devices on a regular schedule. Switches that power off when a connected device is on standby, or turning on or off other channels when the device is turned on or off is also available. Switches can be activated by the sensor. Home automation sensors, switches and controllers can be used to handle more complex sensing and transitions. This results in a net power savings as long as the control device itself uses less power than controlled equipment in standby mode.
The standby power consumption of some computers can be reduced by turning off the components that use power in standby mode. For example, disabling Wake-on-LAN (WoL), "wake on modem", "wake on keyboard" or "wake on USB" can reduce power when in standby. Unused features can be disabled in the computer's BIOS settings to save power.
The device was introduced in 2010 that allows remote controllers for the equipment to be used to completely turn off the power for everything plugged into the extension socket. It's claimed in the UK that this could save Ã, Â £ 30, more than the price of the device, within a year.
Efficiency of equipment
Because energy users and government authorities have realized the need not to waste energy, more attention is paid to the electrical efficiency of the device (a fraction of the power consumed that achieves functionality, rather than waste heat); this affects all aspects of the equipment, including standby power. The use of standby power can be reduced either by paying attention to circuit design and by enhanced technology. The program directed at consumer electronics has prompted manufacturers to cut the use of standby power in many products. It may be technically feasible to reduce standby power by 75% overall; most savings will be less than watts, but another case will be 10 watts.
For example, commercially available computers in Wake on LAN standby typically consume 2 to 8 watts of standby power in 2011, but it is possible to design a much more efficient circuit: a microcontroller designed for the purpose of reducing the total system power to below 0.5W, with its own microcontroller accounted for 42 mW.
See also
- Green computing
- List of energy storage projects
- Low power electronics
- Various electric charges
- AC Adapter
External links
- Standby Power Home Page, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
- Official Energy Star Website, Energy Star
- International Conference on Alert, New Delhi INDIA
- "Phantom Loads"
- "Does Phantom Steal Your Electricity?"
- EU Countries Support Steps to Cut Standby Power Usage
Source of the article : Wikipedia